The Wonderful Benefits of Drinking Beer Daily in Moderation: 10 Health Benefits Of Beer You Probably Never Knew

Contrary to what you might expect, moderate beer consumption is actually good for you. Science has shown that beer can bring many surprising health benefits even though it’s usually perceived as unhealthy. Just remember, we’re talking moderate consumption (one drink per day for women, and up to two for men), not all-night drinking sprees.

Here are some remarkable and surprising beer benefits that might change your perception of the drink.

  1. Minimize the risk of heart disease

A study conducted with 200,000 people in Italy found that those who drink a glass of beer every day can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 31%. The source of energy that beer provides to protect the heart comes from natural antioxidants in beer, including phenols. However, the study also advises that the risk increases if you consume too much beer.

  1. Prevent Alzheimer's disease

This is one of the remarkable effects of beer as it can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Scientists at the University of Chicago analyzed and concluded that people who drink beer can reduce the risk of neuronal degeneration, a leading cause of Alzheimer's, by 23%.

  1. Reduce the risk of diabetes

Another positive effect of moderate beer consumption is reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. According to a 2011 study by Harvard University involving 38,000 middle-aged men, those who drink 1 to 2 glasses of beer per day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 25%. The alcohol content in beer can help increase insulin, a hormone that prevents diabetes.

  1. Prevent kidney stones

A study conducted in Finland showed that daily beer consumption can reduce the risk of kidney stones by up to 40%. This benefit is attributed to the high water content in beer (93%), which helps flush out toxins from the body and improves kidney function. Additionally, compounds in the beer's ingredients slow down the calcium degeneration from bones, preventing the accumulation of calcium in the form of kidney stones.

  1. Reduce the risk of cancer

Beer contains an important antioxidant called xanthohumol, a potent anti-cancer compound that inhibits enzymes responsible for the production of cancer cells. Moreover, consuming a moderate amount of beer daily can prevent chemical reactions that could lead to prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.

  1. Lower Cholesterol

Barley used in beer production contains a soluble fiber called beta-glucans, which has been proven effective in reducing harmful cholesterol levels in the body, preventing artery plaque buildup.

  1. Stabilize blood pressure

Surprisingly, a Harvard University study found that women aged 25-40 who consume moderate beer have a lower risk of increased blood pressure compared to those who only drink spirits or other types of alcohol.

  1. Enhance bone strength

Beer contains a significant amount of silicon, a factor related to bone health. A study conducted at Tufts University in 2009 on older adults who drink one or two beers a day found that they have stronger bones, and therefore, a lower risk of osteoporosis, compared to those who never enjoy beer or wine.

  1. Treatment for dandruff

Another interesting aspect of beer is its use as one of the best natural remedies for dandruff. This is due to the high levels of vitamin B and yeast in beer. Simply wash your hair with a bottle of beer 2-3 times a week, and dandruff will no longer be a concern.

  1. Reduce the risk of stroke

Studies by the American Stroke Association have shown that people who consume a moderate amount of beer can reduce their risk of stroke by up to 50% compared to those who don't drink beer at all. Researchers at Harvard University explain that moderate daily beer consumption helps prevent blood clots that can block blood flow to the heart, neck, and brain - a leading cause of ischemic stroke. Additionally, when you drink beer in moderation, your arteries become more flexible, and blood flow significantly improves.

Beer can bring health benefits under the condition it is used correctly in moderation. However, excessive consumption of beer can also have negative effects on your health.

